We currently offer a pre-recorded DANCEFIX class featuring our current class set as well as live classes from time to time. These classes are accessible through your DANCEFIX MindBody online account and you will be able to pay for the class with your current DANCEFIX class passes or drop in purchases! (you can even purchase an online unlimited monthly package!) See the tutorial video below to learn how to log on. It can be a bit tricky at first! The "LIVE" class schedule will be listed with the other class on our MINDBODY site.
We are now offering a DANCEFIX ONLINE UNLIMITED package for $99 a month!
With our DANCEFIX ONLINE monthly unlimited package (auto-renewed every 30 days), you can dance from home as much as you like! If you are currently logging on to our VIRTUAL classes 3 times per week, this is a discounted rate of $33-105 per month!
This package can be used for our Virtual classes ONLY and is not valid for our in-person classes. Don't worry, if the ONLINE monthly unlimited is not for you, you can still use a drop-in class or your current class passes to access our online content. This package is best for those students taking our classes frequently online and it allows students to pop around freely from one video to the next.
This is an Introductory Rate, click the link below to sign up now and to lock in the $99 per month. Prices subject to change.
Please dance safely. Beware of obstructions or hazards in your space including the risk of slippery, carpeted, and/or unsprung floors. Modify your workout to suit your space.
WAIVER: By purchasing classes, and/or initiating any links related to Dancefix by HBDC including MindBody and Vimeo, you expressly agree as follows:
“I knowingly, voluntarily and expressly waive any and all claim I may have against Dancefix, HBDC LLC, and all persons and entities associated with it. I am fully aware of the risks and hazards which I might incur as a result of participating in Dancefix by HBDC’s classes, including but not limited to physical exertion, physical harm including death, accident, and injury to person or property. I assume all risks, known or unknown, for myself and anyone in my vicinity related to or arising from this agreement including all risks related to my environment.”